At Hendricks Home Daycare, life is guided by routines while taking into account the needs of the individual child. We know that there is no “one size fits all” answer to raising kids, so we do not try to treat them that way. You are the ultimate authority when it comes to what your child needs and we will always follow your lead. Our goal is to work as a team to support your little one in having the best first years possible.
For the youngest infants, life is about the basics – eating, sleeping, and lots of cuddles! But as your little one starts to get a little older, there is a world of possibilities. Play is how kids learn, and is always at the center of our activities.

Play is the name of the game at Hendricks Home Daycare. Whether we are sorting shapes, building towers, or playing with our stuffed animal friends – your child is learning all about the world and how it works. At the same time, we are working on social skills as children learn to share and play together. We also believe in inspiring a lifelong love of reading, so story time happens throughout the day.

Our home includes a backyard play area that allows for exploration and a wider range of physical activities. Children can climb, slide, and swing to their heart’s content. We encourage growth through physical activity that challenges their bodies and minds.
For the older toddler, we offer opportunities to learn both indoors and out. The backyard includes a large garden where the children learn about planting seeds, watering, and harvesting their plants. Peas, carrots, squash, pumpkins, and much more – the children take pride in what they grow.

Indoors we focus on both gross and fine motor skills through fun projects and games. Circle time is a fun time of songs and music while practice the skills of group participation. During gym time we work on our balance, coordination, and following instructions. Crafts and projects allow children the opportunity to create their own works of art. Children thrive when they have a rich environment full of so many possibilities.